Six of us set off, two daughters, one son-in-law, two grand sons and I went for a downtown hot dog adventure (in 100 degree weather)! The two boys are the same two who ate hot dogs with me at the Varsity just a couple of months ago; but since then the 4 year old announced that he doesn't like hot dogs. We all had various kinds of hot dogs with the exception of one who had a cheese burger.
I took the occasion of this return visit to try some other items on the menu. When Robert and I had been there a few weeks ago Keith had gone with us. He has always liked "special dogs" and had commented on the unexpected flavors he had found in his special dog, something he liked. This time I decided to give the special dog a try along with a favorite I seldom order... a corn dog! I must say I enjoyed them both more than I can say. There is nothing quite like a corn dog fresh from the fryer with lots of mustard and ketchup. I also found the special dog to be the best one I have ever eaten. I am not usually a fan of these but have found one I really like.
It was interesting to see my son-in-law eat his FIRST ever chili dog. He ordered the jumbo dog which along with fries filled him up. He thoroughly enjoyed this classic hot dog presentation. The grand sons had a cheeseburger for one and a mustard hot dog for the other accompanied by fries and lemonade. My daughters each had a regular hot dog that they ordered their own way.
Everybody seemed to enjoy the time and the food. I sure enjoyed sharing the pleasures of the hot dog tour with them.
It was a fun outing! I snapped a good picture of Lyric that I need to post, you're welcome to it, of course.