Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two great links

Last week a friend who knows of my interest in hot dogs sent me a link that I want to share. This stuff just looks so good that it gives me lots of ideas. These are definitely not the usual kids dog with mustard and ketchup. Just have a look at some of these pictures.

Take a look HERE.

I keep thinking I've done enough on Chicago dogs and then I see something like this. It does prove that contrary to what some would tell you, there is not just one way to have a Chicago dog.

And as long as I'm passing on links, I posted this link from the Food Network last July. The site is still there and is still worth looking at for anyone wanting some adventure in their hot dog recipes. Here are a couple of their pictures below. Then if you are interested follow the link.

Take a look HERE.

Now a look ahead. Last Spring near the end of school I did a hot dog day for a third grade class taught by a son-in-law. If you didn't see that post take a look HERE. The time is getting close again. I talked with Aaron about possible dates and am looking forward to doing it again, probably in late May. It was definitely a fun event. I'll try to get more pictures this year. If any readers want to join us let me know because it takes extra hands to pull this off.

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